Table of Contents

Preface    ix

Introduction    1

1 Foundations    8

1.1 The Bible    8

1.2 The Talmudic/Rabbinic Literature    12

2 Rationalists, Philosophers, and Codifiers    46

2.1 Abraham ben David’s Gate of Holiness    47

2.2 Maimonides’s Never-Written Guide to Sexuality    61

2.3 Jacob ben Asher’s Arba’ah Turim    85

2.4 Isaac Aboab’s Menorat ha-Maor    90

2.5 Joseph Karo’s Shulkhan Arukh    91

3 Kabbalists and Hasids    95

3.1 Sexuality According to the Zoharic Literature    97

3.2 Iggeret ha-Kodesh    103

3.3 Sexuality in Safedian Kabbalah    116

3.3.1    Joseph Karo    117

3.3.2    Moshe Cordovero and His Commentary on the Prayer Book    120

3.3.3    Isaac Luria and Hayyim Vital    126

3.4 Popularized Kabbalah    133

3.4.1    Elijah ben Moshe de Vidas’s Reshit Hokhmah    133

3.4.2    Moshe ben Makhir’s Sefer Seder Ha-Yom    135

3.4.3    Isaiah ben Abraham ha-Levi Horowitz’s Shnei Luhot ha-Brit    139

3.4.4    Hemdat Yamim    141

3.5    Marital Relations in Hasidic Texts    147

4 Orthodoxies in Recent Decades    154

4.1 Contemporary Modern Orthodox Marital Guidance    154

4.1.1    Shlomo Aviner    160

4.1.2    Yechiel Faust’s Et Dodim    172

4.1.3    Elyashiv Knohl’s Ish ve-Ishah and Et Dodim    173

4.1.4    Neomi Wolfson and Tzofia Shkoury    180

4.1.5    Jennie Rosenfeld’s and David S. Ribner’s Et LeEhov    180

4.1.6    Dan Seter’s Dvar Seter    184

4.1.7    La-Daat le-Ehov    189

4.1.8    Eliezer Melamed’s The Happiness of the Home and Its Blessing    192

4.2    Haredi Guides to Marital Sexuality    195

4.2.1    Shmuel ben Mordechai Hominer’s Sefer Kedushah    197

4.2.2    Vi-Hiyitem Kedoshim    200

4.2.3    Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky’s Letter    202

4.2.4    Isaiah Asher Zelig Margaliyot’s Da’at ha-Kedushah    206

4.2.5    Daniel Frisch’s Kedushah u-Tsniut    210

4.2.6    Tsvi Dov Travis’s Controversial Pirkey Hanhagat Ha-Bayit    213

4.2.7    Sefer Kadshenu be-Mitzvoteikha    218

4.2.8    Dov ha-Kohen Fink’s Kuntres u-Fakadeta Navekha    219

4.2.9    Binyan ha-Bayit, Sheyekadesh Atzmo, and Halachic Positions    221

5 Conclusion    225

5.1 Asceticism and Enjoyment    226

5.2 Sex on Friday Night    229

5.3 Sex in the Middle of the Night    235

5.4 The Night of the Ritual Bath    238

5.5 Holes in Sheets    242

5.6 Overturning the Table, Not in Her Way, and Anal Sex    244

5.7 Censorship    249

5.8 The Need for Manuals    254

5.9 Religious Zionist Sexuality    257

5.10 Haredi Sexuality    262

Bibliography    265

Index    283